I'm Mailsy, Your Email Marketing Blue Bird of Happiness!
...and I want to help. I want to be your friend.
My Friends Can Email Everybody! That's right, there is no limit to the number of members you can email, if you have the credits, we've got the readers. Just enter your message, click submit and email all of our eager readers ready to receive it. With this power you can...
Build Your List
Promote your Brand
Get Exposure to your products
So Be
My Friend!
Enter your email address and Lets Get Started!
Mailsy.net is an advertising program. Mailsy.net is NOT an MLM, Pyramid Scheme, or Get-Rich-Quick program. We do not require you to pay any fees ever to join and participate. We do not require you to have a website or sell any product to use our service. We do not require you to refer anyone to our site to use our service. You will not get rich by using our program.