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Here's how the Stamps and Achievements Pages Work and Relate.


The stamps page is where your stamps are displayed along with
your facebook, twitter, and website you'd like to show others.
these you filled out on your profile page and are under your photo
or if you do not have a gravatar set up for your email address then
it will just show Mailsy.

This page doesn't really have many functions yet but it will be utilized
more as I add more to the site and improvements to the social branding
aspects planned in the future.

You can actually show the stamps page publicly as it uses
your affiliate id to create it and passes the cookie thru to the signup
form example: check it after you log out
to see what I mean.

On the achievements page, you can see all the stamps you
can earn and get the promo code for acquiring the stamp.

The Percent Numbers can be thought of like levels
they won't tell you the exact number of clicks or referrals,
but if you note the "percent completed" value,
you can know how far you have to go to earn the next stamp.

I hope this helps explain how the stamps and achievements pages work.

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Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-09-30 8:58pm
Views: 4355
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.6/5.0 (71)

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