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I'm getting too many emails! What do I do!


Getting Too Many Emails from your List builders?

If you're using Gmail (and you should be)

Create a Filter!

And Send your Credit mailers to its own email box!

You won't see them again unless you want to!

here's how...

1. click on one of the credit emails from
You can find theseĀ 
by searching your email box for members @

2. then click the more button, and choose "Filter Messages like these"

3. You will see a popup and at the bottom right of that window choose
"Create filter with this search"

4. on the next page of the popup check the boxes:
-Skip Inbox(Archive it)
-Apply the Label
-Never Send to Spam
-apply filter to (# of emails) matching conversation

Then click on "choose label" and create
a "new label" named Mailsy (or whatever)

5. Click Create Filter, and you're done!

From now on all credit mailers from that Listbuilder will go into a
special folder with the name of the Label you created
keeping your inbox neat and uncluttered!

Every Successful Marketer that uses Listbuilders or safelists
knows that you are going to get LOTS of emails.

Creating a brand new Gmail email address specifically for
Email Marketing is a must.

If you're not using Gmail (at least for this specific thing)
then this is the time to start.

Create One Here:

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Article details
Article ID: 3
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2016-10-31 7:22pm
Views: 3698
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.9/5.0 (53)

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